We have had an issue with the posting of comments directly on the blog site – corrected now. That aside, I have received some interesting emails and even a positive, pleasant comment from the Federal Government Department of Apiculture and Water Resources – so thanks.

Roger Underwood from Western Australia likes the blog and sent me an article advocating the planting of northern hemisphere deciduous trees in bushfire-prone areas of WA. His article also provides a really interesting commentary on H L Edlin’s “wonderful book” Trees, Woods and Man.
The article is really quite long Roger so we are trying to work out if we can post it as is, or if it needs a vasectomy first!  Will let you know.

I enjoyed receiving a comment from Tony Fearnside about the increasing scientific awareness of plant intelligence. So talking to trees isn’t silly at all! Sure beats talking to some people I know (no names)!

And yes, will post some comments about radiata pine. I do recognise its central importance to the wood products industry in Australia, and of course in countries like Chile and New Zealand.

So appreciate your emails – keep them coming.